Monday, February 6, 2017

Waiting for spring

I took a pot of flowers after the Mass. 
It was for fundraiser for the Day for Life.
It's primrose, "la primula" in Italian. Its name comes from the Latin "primus" meaning "first" because they are among the first flowers that bloom after long winter and herald the appearance of spring.

The flowers were accompanied by a card.

"I learned from life:
that for each sunset,
there is a day that rises;
for each dream that ends,
there is one to be born;
for each door that closes
one opens;
for each love that ends,
another begins;
for each ending
there is a new beginning;
for each departure
there is an arrival;
for each defeat
there is a rematch.
Nothing is ever over until there is life."

Did you know that the primrose scent changes by its color?
I chose this color not only for its beauty but also for its fresh and intense fragrance.

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